Sunday, September 4, 2011

Venus Is Her Name

Venus' baby roots
tea.elle.pea 2011
Yup, finally named the cuttings from "Love".  I call her Venus.  I don't know why all my plants take the feminine role in my head, but they do, so  Well today I looked at Venus while putting her in the window and noticed that SHE HAS ROOTS!!  They're little buds, but I can see them.  It usually takes approximately 2 weeks for roots to appear so is it safe to assume that I have megatron bionic plants since it's only been 3 days?? lol.  Anyway, I'm super I have another title under my hat, "Tea The Horticulturist"...don't that sound hot?!  Look at Venus and her gorgeous baby roots. *click here to see a close-up *


  1. I can't believe you name your plants!! Hubby and I have so many plants we would run out of names. I got these really cute bud vases from Target in the spring. I think you would love them. They add a simple touch to displaying yur budding plants.

  2. I have to name them because I talk to them lol. Can't just be like, "good morning look dry Oh really, i'll have to check target out. Thanks.


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